For someone with untreated food addiction, life is full of questions:

Why can't I stop eating?
Why can't I lose weight?
Why do I feel so driven to eat things I don't even want?
How can I find someone to help me?
In order to answer these questions and find recovery, food addicts need the help of trained professionals and peer-support groups so they can learn ways to put their disease of food addiction into remission.
Join Us!
With your help, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those still suffering.
The Food Addiction Institute (FAI), founded in 2005, is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to support the healing of all food addicts. To accomplish our mission FAI works towards the following:
Advocating widespread acceptance of food addiction as a disease of substance abuse and the availability of effective, abstinence-based solutions.
Helping to identify and expand knowledge about food addiction.
Providing professional and public education about food addiction as a treatable chemical dependency to physicians, dietitians, therapists, counselors and allied health professionals, internationally.
Offering information about promising new practices for the treatment of food addiction.
Supplying resources for those who may be food addicted.
Creating a forum for the development and dissemination of innovative and effective public health strategies related to the prevention, mitigation and treatment of food addiction.

Click on the button below to hear FAI Board Member
David Avram Wolfe's presentation about recovery protection.

Food addiction is a physical and emotional reaction to certain food substances, similar to drug and alcohol addiction. When food addicts eat foods they are physically addicted to, a biochemical process is triggered in their bodies causing them to crave more and more of this food. No amount of dieting or willpower can alleviate these cravings.
Food addicts are not weak or lacking willpower. Instead, there is a physiological process taking place within their bodies that has nothing to do with willpower. In the same way that someone who has a cold cannot simply will that cold to go away, a food addict is not able to think themselves thin or stop themselves from craving certain foods.

In the same way that alcoholics and drug addicts must abstain from their addictive behaviors and substances, food addicts need to discover and abstain from the foods that cause a biochemical reaction in their brains.